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SC Sviluppo chimica S.p.A.

Who we are

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SC Sviluppo chimica S.p.A. is a service company totally owned by Federchimica, the Italian Federation of the Chemical Industry. With a more than twenty years of experience matured executing  activities and offering services on behalf of Federchimica and its Associations, SC has progressively expanded its range of services to Chemical Enterprises, Scientific and Technological Institutions in Italy and other European countries, to private Institutions and public Associations such as Certification Entities, Research Centres and Public Administrations.

The goal of SC is to encourage and support the competitiveness of the Chemical Industry, helping to create sustainable value-added, offering products and services such as publications, software management, training modules for Chemical Enterprises and for downstream users of substances, preparations, intermediates and chemicals.

Offered services

Offered services can be articulated in different areas of strategic importance for the Chemical sector, such as: logistics, plant and process security, environment, energy, product management and industrial hygiene, risk and crisis management, labour regulation. SC is also active in providing advice and services in the following fields:

  • Industrial Safety and Logistic: promoting professional excellence in the management of occupational safety and health of people in the workplace; safety of chemicals; protection of environment and consumers. In particular, SC manages, on behalf of Federchimica, the "SET - Emergency Transport Service Programme”, which assists Public Authorities in case of accidents involving the transport of chemical products by road, rail and sea.
  • Territory Development: promoting the requalification of areas specialized in chemical productions (industrial poles, technological districts, local areas with growth potential) in order to ensure the sustainable development of the Chemical Industry and its downstream sectors.
  • R&D Support: helping Chemical Enterprises fund their R&D activities with public grants available (both national and EU schemes), and provide professional advice and assistance for the management, execution, coordination and reporting of complexes partnership proposals;
  • Venture Capital: working with Venture and Development Capital Funds, domestic and internationals, with public and private Financial Institutions in order to: identify, assembly, management and implementation of exit strategy of spin-offs, start-ups and firms in first stage of expansion in the Chemical Industry.
  • EDP Support: offering consulting services to Small and Medium Enterprises for the realization and implementation of IT tools designed to outsource their information system needs.


In order to build up such a wide range of services offered to the customer, SC complements its internal resources by working with both public and private qualified partners, domestic and foreign:





Managing Director

Headquarter & Contact

Via Giovanni da Procida 11 - 20149 Milan
Tel +39 02 34565.1
Fax +39 02 34565.312